Here is an amazing hack for velvety smooth porridge in a rice cooker that only takes 30 minutes to cook, with minimal stirring! I never make porridge any other way since discovering this hack, and you can tweak the consistency and flavors to your liking!
Use a cup to pour rice into the rice cooker bowl, and wash the rice as usual to reduce the starch content.
Using the same cup, pour in water at a rice:water ratio of 1:6. Then add some salt to taste.
Let it cook in your rice cooker with porridge settings like you normally would. My rice cooker doesn't have a porridge setting, so I let it cook for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, open the lid and use a hand blender to puree the porridge for a few seconds until it turns murky. Then let it cook for another 5 minutes to get the desired consistency.
Drizzle with light soy, garnish with spring onion, salt and pepper, then serve!